Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners Franchise

Dry cleaning

Nu-Look 1Hr Cleaners has been franchising in the United States since 1967 and started international licensing in 1995.

We are seeking qualified potential partners who share our vision in expanding our reach. Franchised businesses are one of the best ways for people to enter into the dry cleaning industry. From real estate site selection and continuous operations support, we are ready to assist you in making your Nu-Look 1Hr Cleaners a success.

Nu-Look 1Hr Cleaners has a proven business model that has lead many to success for decades.

We hope we can be a resource center for all your needs, both before you become a franchisee/licensee and after.

It's time to give yourself permission to build your days around what's important to you! You're in Control!
For more information, complete our FREE FRANCHISE ADVICE form!

Please Note: The operators of Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners, may not have verified the accuracy of the Franchise information contained within this website. For accurate up-to-date information, investors are strongly recommended to visit the official Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners website.

How much does it cost to open a Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners Franchise?

The investment required to open a Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners Franchise is between $221,500-$1,218,500. There is an initial franchise fee of $20,000 which grants you the license to run a business under the Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners name.

Individual Unit Costs

  • Initial Investment:
  • Initial Franchise Fee:
  • Royalty Fee:
  • Advertising Fee:
  • Term of Agreement:
    20 years

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franchises similar to Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners
When did the first Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners open? 1967
When did Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners start Franchising? 1967

Year U.S.A. Canada International Corporate
2003 48 0 12 0
2002 26 0 10 0
2001 0 0 0 0
2000 48 0 10 2
1999 50 0 8 2
Expense In-House Third Party
Franchise Fee No Yes
Startup Costs No Yes
Equipment No Yes
Inventory No Yes
Accounts Receivable No Yes
Payroll No Yes

Third Party Financing Source(s): the SBA, leasing, banks

Newsletter, Meetings, Toll-free phone line, Grand opening, Field operations/evaluations, Purchasing cooperatives

Co-op advertising, Ad slicks, Regional advertising

International franchisees required to buy multiple units/master licenses; 10% of all franchisees own more than one unit

Number of employees needed to run franchised unit: 4

Absentee ownership of franchise is allowed. (90% of current franchisees are owner/operators)

Business Experience:

  • General business experience

  • To calculate how much income a franchise owner can do at Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners Franchise, may vary on factors like location, size etc., On the other side as a business owner your goals to maintain the quality of service while streaming sales high and expenses low. As any other franchise may include rent/mortgage, staffing/family, inventory supplies, utilities, administrative costs vise vera. Location to location and seasons the months costs may vary. Most franchises start up costs are typically fixed and they will cover most of the initial operating costs like signage, furniture, decoration and renovations.

    Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners Franchise Opportunity viewed 4168 times by investors.

    Legal Disclaimer: This information is not a franchise offering for Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners and should not be construed as such. The Franchise Mall makes every effort to maintain accurate franchise data but does not guarantee nor assume liability for incorrect data. We recommend that anyone seriously interested in pursuing a Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners franchise opportunity, review that franchise's Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) with an attorney and accountant.

    Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners

    Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners
    7040 W Palmetto Park Rd STE 4-110
    Boca Raton, FL


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    State: (US inquiries only please)
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    (Min $50k Investment)
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