Negril Eatery Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Negril Eatery including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Negril Eatery Franchise
Investment $244,100 - $327,567
Franchise Fee $25,000
Royalty Fee 5%
Advertising Fee -
Year Founded 1979
Year Franchised 1985
Term Of Agreement -
Term Of Agreement -
Renewal Fee -

Business Experience Requirements

Negril Eatery Franchise
Experience -

Financing Options

Negril Eatery Franchise
  In-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees -/-
Start-up Costs -/-
Equipment -/-
Inventory -/-
Receivables -/-
Payroll -/-

Training & Support

Negril Eatery Franchise
Training You will be required to complete approximately eighty hours of classroom and actual training at our facilities. This includes, inventory control, employee scheduling, food handling and food preparation methods, recipes, customer service. You will also receive our proprietary Operations Manual to serve as your guide.
Support We will assist with the design, site selection, lease, build out, sourcing of equipment and supplies.
Marketing -
Operations -

Expansion Plans

Negril Eatery Franchise
US Expansion -
Canada Expansion -
International Expansion -

Company Overviews

About Negril Eatery

Currently, there are three locations and an express style restaurant that sit adjacent to the Silver Spring, MD store. Negril Eatery locations offer a limited menu, which translates into simplified operations. Patties, pastries and rotis are expertly prepared in the Negril central commissary, located in Laurel, MD which then distributes them frozen to all Negril Eatery locations where they are baked off and offered as freshly baked. With the popularity of the restaurant and the Express, Earl seeks to expand his business and take a taste of his homeland food to the world. At Negril Systems, Inc., we are seeking franchisees who are dynamic, motivated, and self starting, who want to take charge of their future. If this fits your profile, please contact Negril Systems, Inc.