Taco Del Mar vs Cocina Mexican Grill Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Taco Del Mar vs Cocina Mexican Grill including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Taco Del Mar Franchise
Cocina Mexican Grill Franchise
Investment $146,000 - $294,000$191,600 - $239,400
Franchise Fee $15,000 - $23,000$18,000
Royalty Fee 6%5%
Advertising Fee -3%
Year Founded 19922003
Year Franchised 19962008
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Renewal Fee $5K-

Business Experience Requirements

Taco Del Mar Franchise
Cocina Mexican Grill Franchise
Experience --

Financing Options

Taco Del Mar Franchise
Cocina Mexican Grill Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees No/No-/-
Start-up Costs No/No-/-
Equipment No/No-/-
Inventory No/No-/-
Receivables No/No-/-
Payroll No/No-/-

Training & Support

Taco Del Mar Franchise
Cocina Mexican Grill Franchise
Training -Training will be provided without charge for up to 2 people at a location chosen by the Franchisor for 15 days and then for another 15 days at the Franchisee’s chosen Restaurant location.
Support Internet, Security/safety procedures, Field operations/evaluations-
Marketing Co-op advertising, Regional advertising-
Operations 25% of all franchisees own more than one unit

Absentee ownership of franchise is NOT allowed.


Expansion Plans

Taco Del Mar Franchise
Cocina Mexican Grill Franchise
US Expansion Yes-
Canada Expansion No-
International Expansion Yes-

Company Overviews

About Taco Del Mar

Taco Del Mar is a fast-casual restaurant chain that specializes in coastal Mexican cuisine. It first opened in Seattle, WA over 25 years ago, and currently has locations across the U.S. and Canada. High Bluff Capital acquired Taco Del Mar in July 2018.
We work for youTaco Del Mar believes that great franchise partnerships create great successes. We have built our organization in order to develop positive and profitable relationships with our franchisees. * We begin each day focused on franchise profitability. * We strive to be the best franchisor in the food industry. * We understand the value of creating a concept that is quick and easy to replicate. * We developed our system to return the highest ROI to the franchisee in the shortest time. * We know that a profitable franchise system drives corporate profitability, not the other way around. * We embrace new ideas. * We believe in you.

About Cocina Mexican Grill

Cocina Mexican Grill, a fast growing, casual dine-in or take-out restaurant, specializing in the sale of fresh made-to-order Mexican food has begun selling franchises to accelerate growth. The founder of Cocina Mexican Grill, having 17 years of hands on restaurant industry has found the necessary mixture of ingredients and spices to make tasty Mexican food His expertise and ability to provide the highest quality premium food using the best ingredients and service has helped him grow his business to a successful multi-location operation. As our culture becomes more concerned with a healthy lifestyle, the desire for enjoying healthier versions of our favorite dishes has increased. This, combined with the ability to customize one's own meal, has opened up a completely new division of Mexican food restaurants, referred to commonly as "Mexican grills." Cocina Mexican Grill has the expertise and ability to reproduce its great taste and product consistently, every time, in all markets, and this is the key to long-term development for our brand-loyal customers and franchises. Cocina Mexican Grill has been operating, improving, and refining its system every day. The goal has always been to keep its customers happy. This franchise program will allow Cocina Mexican Grill to open business more quickly than would be possible through company expansion alone Build your future with Cocina Mexican Grill, an incredibly rewarding business opportunity. Please see www.cocinamexicangrill.com or call (615) 315-5900 for additional information.