Las Vegas Golf & Tennis Cost Comparisons

About Las Vegas Golf & Tennis

The first Las Vegas Golf & Tennis location was established in Nevada's biggest casino city in 1974 and began franchising in 1984. Stores offer new name-brand products including golf equipment, apparel, shoes and accessories, as well as an exclusive line of Vision Golf equipment.

Sports Equipment & Apparel Franchise Opportunities

Below is a quick comparison of Las Vegas Golf & Tennis against other Sports Equipment & Apparel franchises and business opportunities. For an in depth comparison of Las Vegas Golf & Tennis with another opportunity including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options click on the name of the company to view the detailed comparison.

Franchise Franchise Fee Royalty Advertising Fee Development Costs
Athlete's Foot $35,000 5% $201,600-$640,300
Atmosphere $30,000 $75,000-$150,000
Balls N Bumpers $33,000 6% 3% $150,000-$300,000
Bears Playgrounds $25,000-$35,000 6% 4% $149,800-$422,500
Challenger sports $24,995 $40,995-$72,395
Conte's Bicycle & Fitness Equipment $50,000 3% $348,000-$531,800
Crown Trophy $35,000 5% $168,150-$227,700
D-Bat Academies $40,000 40% of membership fees 2.5%of fees $494,650-$967,100
Destination Athlete $20,000-$50,000 5%-8% 2% $28,300-$93,610
Endurance House $34,000 3 - 3.5% $411,850-$647,750
Fleet Feet Sports $38,000 4% 0.25% $187,000-$413,000
Main Event Sportswear N/A $25,000-$50,000
Max Muscle $75,000 3% $114,600-$281,300
Play It Again Sports $25,000 5% 1K/yr $282,900-$393,900
Playtri $29,500 5% $203,000-$399,667
Pro Image $30,000 4% $155,500-$536,700
Soccer Post $29,500 5% $190,000-$250,000
Sparkle Brite Pool Stores $30,000 6% $66,250-$354,000
Sports Image $11,500-$27,500 8% $15,455-$38,970
Sports Traders $25,000 $100/month $250,000
Street Stadia N/A $73,500-And Up
Ultimate Watersports Pty Ltd $25,000 $100,000-$200,000
Wheel Fun Rentals $12,500-$25,000 6% $46,000-$230,000
World Class Athlete $22,000 6% 2% $150,000
Yak Shak, The $20,000 3% 1% $114,200-$534,000

Golf Related Franchise Opportunities

Below is a quick comparison of Las Vegas Golf & Tennis against other Golf Related franchises and business opportunities. For an in depth comparison of Las Vegas Golf & Tennis with another opportunity including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options click on the name of the company to view the detailed comparison.

Franchise Franchise Fee Royalty Advertising Fee Development Costs
BirdieBall N/A $699-And Up
Body Balance for Performance N/A $80,025-$202,375
DryJect $29,500 $44,120-$233,000
Global LeaderBoard $18,000-$71,100 Varies $48,000-$120,000
Golf Analytics Fitness N/A $500,000
Golf Etc. $15,000 $.35/sq. ft. $165,000
Golf Scotland N/A $19,000
Golf USA $34,000-$44,000 2.5% $212,500-$412,500
GolfTEC $17,500-$35,000 5% $125,345-$470,445
Kindergolf $50,000 8% $50,000
LTS LeaderBoard $18,000-$71,100 Varies $49,800-$173,900 N/A $6,900
Monster Mini Golf $35,000 8% $628,500-$1,000,000
Motion Golf $79,500 6% $250,000
Nevada Bob's Golf $50,000 2% 2% $300,000-$722,000
Parmasters Golf Training Centers $25,000 8% $261,900-$2,500,000
Pro Golf Int'l. $49,500 2.5% $250,000-$500,000
Putt-2-Go $15,000-$30,000 5% 8% Local+2%Nat'l $50,100-$80,500
Putt-Putt Golf & Games $20,000-$50,000 5% 1% $980,000-$30,500,000
Putting Edge Fun Center $25,000 $350,000-$450,000
TGA Premier Sports $7,500-$45,000 8% $18,750-$68,250
X-Golf $30,000 6% 1% $547,200-$900,000
X-Golf Franchise Corp. $30,000 7% 1% $547,200-$916,000