Auto Accents vs Premier Wheel Workz Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Auto Accents vs Premier Wheel Workz including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Auto Accents Franchise
Premier Wheel Workz Franchise
Investment $67,000 - $130,650N/A
Franchise Fee N/AN/A
Royalty Fee --
Advertising Fee --
Year Founded --
Year Franchised --
Term Of Agreement --
Term Of Agreement --
Renewal Fee --

Business Experience Requirements

Auto Accents Franchise
Premier Wheel Workz Franchise
Experience --

Financing Options

Auto Accents Franchise
Premier Wheel Workz Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees -/--/-
Start-up Costs -/--/-
Equipment -/--/-
Inventory -/--/-
Receivables -/--/-
Payroll -/--/-

Training & Support

Auto Accents Franchise
Premier Wheel Workz Franchise
Training --
Support --
Marketing --
Operations --

Expansion Plans

Auto Accents Franchise
Premier Wheel Workz Franchise
US Expansion --
Canada Expansion --
International Expansion --

Company Overviews

About Auto Accents

We know that we are in the right place at the right time. The market demand is there. We have the products. We have the expertise. The systems are in place.

If you feel you are right for the business and we feel you are right for us, there is no reason you cannot be as successful as you dream. Though not a partner in the legal sense, we will be your partner in a moral sense. As you franchisor, we will be a vital and integral part of your business.

Because this is a business of ever-changing technology and new product lines,, our partnership must be a close one, as we will be introducing you to new technologies as they are unveiled. We would like to have the opportunity to answer your questions and extend a personal invitation to you for a confidential interview.

About Premier Wheel Workz

If you are looking for an opportunity that is just right for you, one that lets you take charge of your career and your life, by investing in your own business, Premier Wheel Rentals might make your dream come true. The majority of our franchisees have chosen Premier as their first venture into business ownership. If you currently own a rental store, you should use the Premier Wheel Rentals co-branding opportunity to boost your revenues and profits. Some of our greatest success stories come from existing RTO operators who have added a Premier Wheel Rentals program to their current locations. A minimal investment in time and money can pay substantial dividends. Our comprehensive training program will turn your RTO staff into wheel rental experts. Don’t forget that new customers coming in to rent wheels are ideal candidates for furniture, electronics, and appliance agreements as well. If you have an automotive parts or service business, your customers are prime candidates for Premier Wheel Rentals products. They already trust your knowledge and experience. They would surely trust you to help them make the best decision on a set of custom wheels perfect for their vehicle. Not only that, but their repeat visits to your shop will ensure you more opportunities to continue selling them parts and services. If you are a well-seasoned franchisee with a variety of other businesses, you will find the unique appeal of a Premier Wheel Rentals location very high.