Remerica Real Estate vs Realty Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Remerica Real Estate vs Realty including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Remerica Real Estate Franchise Realty Franchise
Investment $20,000 - $100,000$16,000 - $114,900
Franchise Fee $10,000$10,000
Royalty Fee -10%
Advertising Fee --
Year Founded -2015
Year Franchised -2015
Term Of Agreement --
Term Of Agreement --
Renewal Fee --

Business Experience Requirements

Remerica Real Estate Franchise Realty Franchise
Experience --

Financing Options

Remerica Real Estate Franchise Realty Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees -/--/-
Start-up Costs -/--/-
Equipment -/--/-
Inventory -/--/-
Receivables -/--/-
Payroll -/--/-

Training & Support

Remerica Real Estate Franchise Realty Franchise
Training --
Support --
Marketing --
Operations --

Expansion Plans

Remerica Real Estate Franchise Realty Franchise
US Expansion -Yes
Canada Expansion --
International Expansion --

Company Overviews

About Remerica Real Estate

Remerica was created by real estate people for real estate people. We are an organization currently experiencing tremendous growth and ideally suited to provide the opportunity for your career advancement. We are nurturing our company's growth through a selection of quality agents. We are looking for people that possess initiative and have the entrepreneurial drive to succeed... because their success and our company's success go hand in hand.

We encourage independence and play a significant role in helping our agents realize personal and career goals. We'll even teach you how to manage your investments properly. You will have the wealth and security of becoming an independent Remerica Franchise owner.

About Realty

"LakePlacecom® real estate brokerage businesses are full-service real estate brokerages that specialize in brokering the purchase,rental and sale of lake or other water-related properties through the® web site.

The total investment necessary to convert an existing real estate brokerage business to a®Business is from $16,000 to $33,000.

The total investment necessary to begin operation of a new® Business is from $50,800 to $114,500.