Uniclean Systems Cost Comparisons
About Uniclean Systems
Below is a quick comparison of Uniclean Systems against other Commercial Cleaning franchises and business opportunities. For an in depth comparison of Uniclean Systems with another opportunity including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options click on the name of the company to view the detailed comparison.
360clean |
$19,500 |
7% |
1% |
$25,000-$50,000 |
AdvantaClean |
$19,950 |
10% |
1% |
$140,100-$292,450 |
All Pro Cleaning Systems |
$50,000 |
$84,700-$199,500 |
Anago Cleaning Systems |
$5,015-$31,000 |
10% |
N/A |
$11,265-$68,250 |
BearCom Building Services |
$9,990-$14,990 |
6-8% |
$12,800-$39,300 |
bioPURE |
$38,500 |
$67,600-$100,500 |
Bonus Building Care |
$7,500 |
10% |
1% |
$9,020-$41,919 |
BuildingStars |
$995-$46,995 |
10% |
20% |
$2,245-$53,200 |
Champion Clean |
$2,500-$31,000 |
4% |
$3,300-$33,000 |
Classic Commercial Services |
$25,000 |
7% |
2% |
$85,000-$158,000 |
Clean First Time |
$12,000-$150,000 |
7% |
$12,000-$150,000 |
Clean4Me |
$5,000 |
5% |
$500/mo. |
$21,000-$51,000 |
CleanNet USA |
$16,000-$69,500 |
10% |
1% |
$20,877-$85,410 |
Corvus Janitorial Systems |
$6,500-$16,500 |
$7,575-$32,500 |
Coverall Health Based Cleaning Systems |
$9,120-$37,000 |
5% |
$10,796-$44,323 |
Dublcheck Limited |
N/A |
$17,800-$389,600 |
Duraclean |
$24,500 |
2-8% |
$79,600-$129,900 |
E.P.I.C. Systems |
$6,500 |
4-10% |
$10,000-$12,500 |
FAB Cleaning |
N/A |
$50,000 |
FabriZone Cleaning Systems |
$1,000 |
$150/Mo. |
0 |
$14,000 |
Goldeneye |
$2,700-$47,000 |
$3,450-$57,750 |
Heits Building Services |
$59,000 |
5% |
$90,750-$188,200 |
Home Cleaning Centers of America |
$9,500 |
3-5% |
$25,800-$32,500 |
i-Clean |
N/A |
$8,700-And Up |
Image One Facility Solutions |
$24,750-$29,750 |
10% |
2% |
$37,360-$103,208 |
IntegriServ Cleaning Systems |
$2,520-$44,000 |
10% |
$3,145-$50,005 |
Izsam |
$40,000 |
5% |
$400/yr. |
$72,075-$95,400 |
Jan-Pro |
$2,520-$44,000 |
10% |
to 1% |
$4,170-$56,020 |
Jani-King |
$8,600-$16,300 |
10% |
$11,300-$34,100 |
Jim's Cleaning |
N/A |
$50,000 |
Magic Bubbles |
$30,000 |
6% |
1% |
$79,025-$197,800 |
Maid To Perfection |
$15,000 |
2-7% |
$57,030-$62,635 |
Maids Etc. |
$10,000 |
5-7% |
0-2% |
$36,000-$56,000 |
Maids To Order |
$12,500-$57,500 |
5% |
$35,100-$101,500 |
Master Care |
$18,000 |
$28,000 |
Multicorp |
N/A |
$10,000-$60,000 |
National Maintenance Contractors |
N/A |
$150,000-$200,000 |
Office Pride |
$35,000 |
9% |
1% |
$65,000-$107,200 |
Omex International |
$15,000-$25,000 |
4% |
$40,400-$70,600 |
On-Target Maintenance |
$40,000 |
$57,000-$93,000 |
OpenWorks |
$14,000-$67,500 |
5-10% |
$15,000-$150,000 |
Power Wash Store |
$50,000 |
$114,700-$249,500 |
Pro One Janitorial |
$7,500-$50,000 |
19% |
$10,050-$109,500 |
N/A |
$138,800-$162,000 |
Sabercor |
$15,000 |
4% |
$52,000-$56,000 |
ServiceMaster Clean |
$31,500-$69,500 |
4%-10% |
0.5%-1% |
$76,500-$274,500 |
Servpro |
$60,000 |
3-10% |
3% |
$167,575-$221,450 |
Stratus Building Solutions |
$3,600-$69,000 |
5% |
to 1% |
$4,450-$79,750 |
System4 |
$75,000-$300,000 |
1%-6.2% |
$105,900-$373,000 |
Tower Cleaning Systems |
$1,500-$13,500 |
3% |
$1,900-$23,800 |
Vanguard Cleaning Systems |
$100,000-$350,000 |
11.5% |
$147,375-$460,750 |
Window Gang |
$60,000 |
7% |
$80,900-$118,300 |