Al's Pizza vs Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Al's Pizza vs Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Al's Pizza Franchise
Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria Franchise
Investment $729,900 - $1,157,200$275,000 - $744,000
Franchise Fee $40,000$30,000
Royalty Fee --
Advertising Fee --
Year Founded -1992
Year Franchised -1997
Term Of Agreement --
Term Of Agreement --
Renewal Fee --

Business Experience Requirements

Al's Pizza Franchise
Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria Franchise
Experience --

Financing Options

Al's Pizza Franchise
Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees -/--/-
Start-up Costs -/--/-
Equipment -/--/-
Inventory -/--/-
Receivables -/--/-
Payroll -/--/-

Training & Support

Al's Pizza Franchise
Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria Franchise
Training Training for you and your employees will be provided in existing Al's Pizza restaurants. Our support staff will train you in the many aspects of owning and operating an Al's Pizza franchise. These include staffing, recruiting, advertising, financial controls, employee accountability, facility management, food cost controls, and labor controls.-
Support As the owner of an Al's Pizza franchise, you gain a team of experts committed to your success. Your team works with you, your staff, your vendors, and most of all your customers to ensure a quality environment and experience. At Al's Pizza, we understand how critical it is to support your efforts, foster our relationship with you, and provide the tools necessary for your success. Our philosophy is based on a side-by-side commitment to helping you prosper, as this leads not only to your growth, but to the overall success of the entire Al's Pizza family.-
Marketing --
Operations --

Expansion Plans

Al's Pizza Franchise
Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria Franchise
US Expansion --
Canada Expansion --
International Expansion --

Company Overviews

About Al's Pizza

The Al's Pizza business model is based on an overall theme of quality. The fundamentals include: * Award-winning pizza * An impressive, competitive facility * The latest inventory and labor control tools * A passion for excellence Franchisees are provided with a development process that results in an impressive, high-quality facility. As a franchisee, you can depend upon the Al's Pizza team to manage the development. Costs associated with the design, architectural, and purchasing consulting fees are covered using the franchise fee and architectural fee.Al's Pizza franchisees enter into an 80 day working day training program with a custom schedule tailor made for each franchisee. Al's understands that most franchisees are transitioning from another career and need flexibility during such a complicated time. The program is a combination of training classes and training within an Al's Pizza training restaurant. Representatives from Al's Pizza will work side by side as part of your team during a new opening. Franchisee support also includes Field Consultants who work alongside franchisees, assisting with all aspects of the operations. The support sets Al's Pizza apart from many companies. Even financial information is shared and compared during monthly webinars so every franchisee can measure their own success next to the company owned restaurants. As a former franchisee himself, Bill Kratsas is committed to providing support to franchisees both operationally and financially. As the owner of an Al's Pizza franchise, your efforts are supported every step of the way. By providing you the quality guidance you need, you are able to provide your customers the quality experience they seek, and everyone benefits.
Founded in 1988, Al's Pizza combines old world quality, values and work ethic with new world appeal, to provide a unique dining experience for patrons, families and friends.

About Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria

In 1992, brothers Aro & Allen Agakhanyan opened their first pizzeria in Los Angeles. They toiled for several years to prove their pizza restaurant concept was unique and different from the national pizza brands. Not only did they recreate the traditional pizzeria with a “cool” Southern California feel, but they also expanded the size of their pizzas to fit the demands of their guests. Their initial pizza size was a 28” pizza that you could order with your choice of toppings. But it soon became apparent that in order to feed the really big appetites of their customers, the Big Papa (36” in diameter) was born. But Aro and Allen Agakhanyan were not satisfied even then, so they introduced the Giant Sicilian which was and is the largest deliverable pizza in the world.

The Giant Sicilian (54” X 54”) is in the Guinness World Record Book.

Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria is currently seeking to expand in our home market of Southern California.
Individuals interested in Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria Franchise opportunities outside of our home market are encouraged to submit an inquiry.