Great Business Opportunity - Make Extra Income There are unlimited selling opportunities, with unlimited income potential, for the Miracle Polishing Cloth such as: * Jewelry Cleaning Supplies * Eyeglass Cleaning Supplies * Crew Sales * Mail Order * Fund Raising * Group Demos * Party Plans * Door-to-Door * Add-on Premiums * Janitorial Supply Companies * Cleaning Companies * Hotels and Motels * Plants and Warehouses * Antique Shops * Hardware Stores * Grocery Stores * Drug Stores * Jewelry Stores * Sporting Goods Stores * Furniture Stores * Hobby Shops * Knife Shops * Music Stores * Cycle Shops * Machine Shops * Dollar Stores * Variety Stores * Convenience Stores * Beauty Shops * Service Stations * Appliance Stores * Auto Parts Stores * Speed Shops * Gift Shops and Florists * Cleaners * Mall Kiosks and Carts * Trade Shows * Craft Shows * Flea Markets * Swap Meets * Catalogs * Motorcycle Shops * Gun Shops Get Other People to Help You. One of the first things we learned once we had mastered the all-important demonstration was that you can sell a lot more if you have people helping you.