Is Canyons your path to a grand future? Take the leap! We are pulling together an elite team of bright, energetic people to join us in developing an exciting new concept in fast-casual dining. We're seeking partners who are interested in building a high-quality franchise that stands apart from the competition. Our leadership team brings many years of experience to the effort. We believe the Canyons Burger Company is a unique brand with excellent long-term potential. We know that new, trendy restaurant concepts often flame up and flame out. Our goal is not to invent a new concept to provide artwork on the wall, but to create a brand that celebrates and supports a fun, dynamic, active lifestyle. Excellence does not happen by accident. It does not happen overnight. Our corporate vision is to build slowly, thoughtfully, with an emphasis on quality over quantity. And we are also committed to fully supporting all our partners. We are currently seeking areas for expansion in the greater Metro Atlanta area, as well as cities World Wide. Do you think you might be a good candidate to partner with Canyons? For more Franchise Information, contact us.