PC-ER Cost Comparisons

About PC-ER

PC-ER (Personal Computer and Electronic Repair) is a Veteran (and/or Veteran's family) owned business location within designated large retail locations. We will be providing service and repair to computers, laptops, tablets and cell phones. We will also provide warranty work for large retail locations as well as providing additional services to their customers regarding the use of their electronics. Franchisees will own and operate their own business within the franchise guidelines from the PC-ER, LLC. The operation of this franchise has been tested over the past 7 years with successful locations inside of large retail locations since. We have been granted a "pilot" with large retail locations which means we get 20 stores opened in 3 month intervals until we get to 100 locations, then they offer larger numbers of stores per 3 month window. It is our intent to be inside every available large retail location in the US within 5 years. For special cost benefits a Veteran and or their family can operate this franchise for as little as $7500.

Computer Service & Support Franchise Opportunities

Below is a quick comparison of PC-ER against other Computer Service & Support franchises and business opportunities. For an in depth comparison of PC-ER with another opportunity including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options click on the name of the company to view the detailed comparison.

Franchise Franchise Fee Royalty Advertising Fee Development Costs
1 800 905 GEEK $25,000 11% $53,400-$82,200
1800FIX.com $20,000-$25,000 7% 2% $77,600-$203,800
CMIT Solutions $49,950-$57,700 6% 2% $94,470-$127,350
Computer Builders Warehouse $18,000-$35,000 2-3% $100,000-$250,000
Computer Troubleshooters $9,900 6.5% 150/mo. $13,900-$32,400
Computertots $30,000 8% $47,700-$66,300
Concerto Networks $21,000 14% $23,400-$47,900
Data Doctors $18,900 7% $39,500-$92,000
Device Pitstop $25,000 5% $2K/yr $100,700-$218,250
Digital Doc $44,900 7% $128,200-$195,500
DrPhoneFix N/A $49,999-$175,000
Electronic Restoration Services $49,900 7% 2% $159,000-$249,300
Experimax $49,500 6% 1% $142,010-$351,140
Fast-teks $27,750 7% $45,000-$60,000
Geeks On Call America $25,000 11% $53,400-$82,200
gradeAtechs.com $20,000 $75,000
iDropped $30,000 6% 2% $60,100-$119,089
LaptopXchange $15,000-$20,000 5% $156,000-$215,000
Launch Pad, The N/A $103,650-$2,547,100
Nerd Force $14,000 $34,000-$59,000
Nerds On Site N/A 40% $3,500-And Up
Rescuecom $2,500-$28,900 9-24% $14,000-$95,000
Silution N/A $39,950-$69,800
Soft-Temps Worldwide $995 $75/mo. $1,990-$3,990
Support On-Site Computer Services $15,000 6% $23,700-$46,800
TeamLogic IT $45,000 7% 1.2% $106,375-$146,300
Tech Hero $20,000 $32,300-$69,400
Veteran Tech Brigade $25,000-$40,000 7% Currently 0 $30,000-$60,000
Windows Renew N/A $2,000-And Up
WSI Internet $49,700-$69,700 10% $64,450-$94,550