Picket Fence Preview Franchise

Real Estate

Picket Fence Preview is a real estate magazine which has helped
property owners sell by owner and save tens of millions in expensive
real estate commissions since 1993.

We feature residential homes, condos, land, commercial property, camps
and cottages and business opportunities. Real estate for sale by owner
in Vermont, New Hampshire & Massachusetts.

It's time to give yourself permission to build your days around what's important to you! You're in Control!
For more information, complete our FREE FRANCHISE ADVICE form!

Please Note: The operators of Picket Fence Preview, may not have verified the accuracy of the Franchise information contained within this website. For accurate up-to-date information, investors are strongly recommended to visit the official Picket Fence Preview website.

How much does it cost to open a Picket Fence Preview Franchise?

The investment required to open a Picket Fence Preview Franchise is between $50,000-$90,000. There is an initial franchise fee of $15,000-$25,000 which grants you the license to run a business under the Picket Fence Preview name.

Individual Unit Costs

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  • Initial Franchise Fee:
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  • Advertising Fee:

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When did the first Picket Fence Preview open? N/A
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Your income potential as a Picket Fence Preview Franchise entrepreneur depends vastly on many factors. As an entrepreneur, the goals to achieve are related to expanding sales while lowering your operation costs and increasing the quality of your products and or services. Each month your operating costs can include royalty fees, mortgage / rent, supplies for products, staffing, utilities, bookwork, stationary and other items. From one month to the next, you may find your costs fluctuate, but your up-front costs are, for the most part, fixed and they will cover most of the initial setup of equipment, signage and renovations.

Listing Tags

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Picket Fence Preview Franchise Opportunity viewed 11105 times by investors.

Legal Disclaimer: This information is not a franchise offering for Picket Fence Preview and should not be construed as such. The Franchise Mall makes every effort to maintain accurate franchise data but does not guarantee nor assume liability for incorrect data. We recommend that anyone seriously interested in pursuing a Picket Fence Preview franchise opportunity, review that franchise's Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) with an attorney and accountant.

Picket Fence Preview

Picket Fence Preview

Picket Fence Preview
1 Kennedy Dr.
South Burlington, VT


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