MARKHAM, ONTARIO | Monday, December 04, 2006
Madame Cora originated the concept in 1987 when, as a single mother of three in need of a career, she bought a small abandoned snack bar on C�te-Vertu Boulevard in Montr�al's St-Laurent area focusing solely on breakfasts � fresh fruit, cheeses, cereal, omelettes, cr�pes and French toast. The restaurant quickly became the talk of the town, often having line ups to get in, and Madame Cora's astute entrepreneurial instincts told her that this was a concept that could be franchised.
Today, the Cora's restaurant chain includes fifty-five restaurants in Quebec; sixteen in Ontario; three in New Brunswick; four in Nova Scotia; one in Prince-Edward Island, one in Newfoundland, two in Manitoba and one in Calgary. The restaurants operate as Chez Cora in Qu�bec and Cora's Breakfast & Lunch in all other provinces.
- more - Canada's "Queen of Breakfasts" expands in Markham Page 2 "Initiative, perseverance, confidence and a healthy dash of energy are the features we look for in a franchisee," says Madame Cora. "We are just thrilled that we've found such traits in Wilson Wong, our new franchisee for the Markham location." Cora's Breakfast & Lunch offers customers top quality food and service in a cozy family setting Monday to Saturday from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Sarah Martell, Marketing Consultant Cora Franchise Group Inc.
(450) 435-3900 est. 244 [email protected]
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Cora's Breakfast & Lunch
16, rue Sicard, local 50
Phone: (450) 435-2426
Toll Free: (888) 435-2426
Fax: (450) 435-2428