Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Erin Stehl, mom of the now-famous "Dr. Phil Family," has let America see the ups and downs of motherhood, marriage, a teen daughter's pregnancy and the fight to get control of her family's life. Now it's Erin's turn to get control of the ups and downs of her own weight and personal health.
With a goal to lose 20 pounds, increase her cardiovascular intensity and shed three inches off her waist, Erin was paired with Wes Greer, franchise owner of three Fitness Together fitness franchise studios in Florida and part of a national fitness franchise that specializes in one-on-one personal training. Greer, along with one of his personal trainers, Lori Eboli, have started Erin on a workout regimen, exercising 3-5 times a week at the Fitness Together studio in Ponte Vedra. Erin is also doing cardio exercises another three days a week on her own and following a nutrition program set up by the show.
"Erin's goals are not uncommon for the majority of our clients," Greer says. "Several years of inactivity and stress have meant Erin's own health often takes a backseat to the needs of her family. She has suddenly found herself in a position of needing help to safely and effectively lose some extra pounds and ensure that she will be healthy for her family for a long time." The "Dr. Phil" show will follow Erin's fitness journey, highlighting her progress in episodes leading up to a final makeover reveal episode in May.
"I'm excited for viewers to get a real-world look at healthy weight-loss," Greer added. "It's a compliment to Dr. Phil and his team that they are communicating a healthy approach rather than a quick fix. And Erin's journey is the journey of millions of Americans out there who just need the right guidance. We're honored at Fitness Together to be part of that solution." About Fitness Together Franchise Corp.: Established in 1983 in response to the growing demand for personal fitness training, Fitness Together offers the latest in one-on-one personal training. Based in Highlands Ranch, Colo., Fitness Together is part of Fitness Together Holdings, Inc., one of the world's largest wellness organizations. Fitness Together began franchising in 1996 and has sold franchised locations throughout the United States, Costa Rica, Israel, Ireland, Canada and Brazil.
Franchise Information: Fitness Together Franchise Corporation is actively selling franchises. If you are interested in changing your life and the lives of others, please visit http://corp.fitnesstogether.com/ or call 877.663.0880 ext. 10 for more information about fitness franchise opportunities
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Fitness Together
9780 Meridian Blvd., #400
Phone: (303)663-0880
Fax: (303)663-1617