Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Armed with knowledge from the best strength coaches in the world, experience, personalized programs and great coaching, Jusdanis started SST Canada and a four step approach in the development of personal fitness.
His goal was to build a company that would help athletes develop not only physically but emotionally and spiritually!. He would handle all the marketing, accounting, sales and training from his facility in a local high school, while outsourcing training principles from the best strength coach in the world. His functional training approach FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SST Canada � Strength- Power- Speed Sports Specific Training differed from the circus acts seen out there. His athletes' functional work consisted of flipping 800 lb tires, sledgehammer work, sled dragging, car pushing, log lifting and a series of other secret implements. This was FUNCTIONAL � athletes got very strong and worked the proper energy system during each workout. The Training facility opened in August 1997 to the roaring sound of emptiness. In the world of fitness training, if you build it they will only come if you can show RESULTS. Fortunately, this is something that he definitely produced. Now, twelve years later with six locations, SST is now franchising Nationally . Jusdanis has created elite training centers for athletes and adults of all types with a growing base of customers. Company revenues
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