Posigrip Ranked #1 Business Model By Franchise Gator

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Posigrip opportunity was recognized by Franchise Gator for its exceptional non slip flooring product and overall business model. The Posigrip opportunity has licensed individuals on 6 continents and 77 foreign countries.

Posigrip a company known for its top notch products and world class service was ranked the #1 business model in 2010 by Franchise Gator. The Posigrip opportunity was recognized by Franchise Gator for its exceptional non slip flooring products and overall business model. The Posigrip opportunity has licensed individuals on 6 continents and 77 foreign countries.

Each Posigrip business comes with national advertising, a complete marketing program and no franchise or royalty fees.

The economic disruption that started in 2001 but really was felt in 2007 and 2008 has changed the entire landscape for business. Today, "big business" is sitting on the largest the largest "pile" of cash ever but they're not re-investing it.

What does this mean to the average American? Simply this, the economic recovery will not be driven by big businesses like Ford, GM or GE. No, the engine for recovery is already running. Small businesses are being created at a record pace. Rather than a few huge engines driving the economy we are seeing thousands of small engines starting up and beginning to power us out of the economic mess we currently face.

Today is the perfect opportunity to change from being an employee to being an employer. Whether your goal is simply to create a permanent job for yourself or to create a successful business, all Americans should at least consider the benefits of opening their own business.

Most people think they want the security of a JOB and let someone else take the risks and have all the stress of owning a business. Well the truth is does anyone have any security working for someone else? "As reported in the Huffington Post Jan. 26th 2011, "The jobs crisis isn't going anywhere, according to the latest forecast from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which puts the national unemployment rate above 9 percent through 2011 and 8 percent through 2012." It may take a Ph.D in economics to understand exactly why our GDP could be growing at 2.4% a year and our unemployment rate still stubbornly resists improvement. The simple answer is that when the huge downturn occurred, business figured out how to get along without. Business went after outsourcing with a vengeance and moved many jobs overseas. Business realized that much of what they were doing wasn't making the profits they needed and effectively stopped investing capital unless they absolutely had to.

The question that surfaces when people look at how to create their own "job" or open a business is, "What is the best opportunity with the lowest risk and lowest investment?" Franchises typically present the lowest risk and at the same time the highest investment. Let's ask the question in a slightly different way. "What business opportunity can fulfill the following four requirements?" 1.1. A business that can be run as a sole proprietorship or can be scaled up to as large as I want to grow.

1.2. A franchise-like opportunity that doesn't have either franchise fees or royalties.

1.3. A business with an investment requirement of under $15,000.

1.4. A business that is, in effect, recession proof.

The Posigrip business opportunity provides a resounding positive answer to each of these requirements and it was recognized by Franchise Gator. Posigrip is a turnkey home-based floor safety business with no credible competition. The package comes with national advertising, complete marketing program, 24/7 technical help, full training, and the ability to add additional revenue streams.

Website: http://www.posigrip.com

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Daytona Beach, FL

Phone: 800-662-9299
Fax: 386-239-9712

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