Thursday, March 05, 2015
Just like a merit badge, digital badges present a validated display of learning achievements that travels with professionals regardless of employer, and can be placed on LinkedIn profiles, online and print resumes, social networks and professional association bios. All badges link back to a secure, personal learning portfolio that provides key data including how the badge was earned, related competencies, and date of issuance. All programs in Dale Carnegie's live online Personal Effectiveness curriculum - including courses such as How to Win Friends and Influence Business People, Successful Public Speaking, Time Management, Negotiations: A Human Relations Approach and other popular courses now offer competency-based badges.
"Professionals want to demonstrate their unique capabilities for recognition and career advancement across multiple online platforms and communities," said Dan Heffernan, VP and General Manager of Dale Carnegie Digital. "Now, once they earn a professional badge they can easily publish it to all of their networks, expanding their profile views in the process." Managers responsible for talent development can use badging as a way to ensure their teams are getting the strategic skills they need to grow. Because each competency-based badge has a level attributed to it, talent managers gain an objective account of their employees' exposure to new skills. Professional badges also provide an easy dashboard for recognizing training gaps, and a built-in development path system for leveling up critical competencies.
Custom badges offered in tandem with the core suite of competency-based badges are available for corporate training programs with more specific needs. Dale Carnegie Professional Badges are Mozilla Open Badge Infrastructure (OBI) compatible.
"We're excited to serve our clients with this innovative new standard of professional achievement, and a system for customizing and recognizing mission-critical competencies," said Heffernan.
Learn more about professional badging at http://www.dalecarnegie.com/professional-badging.
About Dale Carnegie Digital Dale Carnegie Digital combines our 100 years of experience as the world-wide leader in traditional instructor-led training with today's convenient, affordable, and effective online learning technology. Delivered via web conferencing software and accessed through the world class Dale Carnegie Digital Learning Portal, Live Online Training leverages the same proven facilitation and coaching as our in-person training experiences. Our Live Online virtual instructor led training is delivered by over 100 Certified Online Trainers and Producers in multiple languages. We provide clients with the time-tested, highly engaging Dale Carnegie training experience in the format that best fits their busy work schedule.
For more information visit www.dalecarnegie.com.
About BadgeCert BadgeCert's enterprise-class hosted software platform enables organizations to recognize their stakeholders' accomplishments with dynamic digital badges. BadgeCert's 100% verifiable badges are embedded with qualifying information that details the nature of an earner's accomplishment and once received, earners can share them with others (particularly employers, customers or colleagues) by putting them directly on their social media profiles, corporate databases, resumes or email signatures.
For more information, visit www.badgecert.com.
Contacts Dale Carnegie Digital Adam Gogolski, 585-350-8402 Director of Marketing [email protected]
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