Results Travel Cost Comparisons

About Results Travel

Travel Leaders Network is a passionate community of travel professionals focused on mutual success.
Travel Leaders Network is one of the largest sellers of luxury travel, cruises and tours in the industry. Representing over 5,700 travel agency locations across the United States and Canada, our Network uses the power of our parent company, Internova, to assist millions of leisure and business travelers annually.

Travel Agency Franchise Opportunities

Below is a quick comparison of Results Travel against other Travel Agency franchises and business opportunities. For an in depth comparison of Results Travel with another opportunity including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options click on the name of the company to view the detailed comparison.

Franchise Franchise Fee Royalty Advertising Fee Development Costs
All About Honeymoons $15,000-$35,000 1-3% $32,900-$75,900
Cruise Holidays $9,500-$30,000 up to 3% $9,500-$72,800
Cruise Planners $695-$10,995 1% - 3% $2,295-$23,665
CruiseOne $495-$9,800 3% $4,625-$26,265
Cruises Inc. N/A $249-And Up
Dream Vacations $495-$9,800 1.5% -3% $1,795-$20,300
Enchanted Honeymoons $21,500 $27,300-$35,000
Freedom Boat Club $38,000 6% up to 1% $175,025-$486,000
My Destination N/A 500/month $20,000-$50,000
Outdoor Connection $9,900 3-5% $10,400-$15,100
Tix Travel & Ticket Agency N/A $995
Travel Leaders $0-$2,500 $474-995/mo. $2,270-$17,910
Travel Lines Express $300 1% $10,000-$50,000
Travel Network $3,950-$29,900 $250-750/mo. $34,200-$99,000
UNIGLOBE Travel USA $19,000 $45,000-$65,000
UNIGLOBE Travel Western Canada $19,000 $45,000-$65,000
Vasco Travel $25,000 $40,000-$60,000
We Love Travel N/A $300/yr. $3,008