Oogles n Googles vs HipKidz Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Oogles n Googles vs HipKidz including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Oogles n Googles Franchise
HipKidz Franchise
Investment $33,400 - $39,700$250,000
Franchise Fee $19,900$20,000
Royalty Fee 7%7%
Advertising Fee --
Year Founded 20012006
Year Franchised 20042010
Term Of Agreement 5 years-
Term Of Agreement 5 years-
Renewal Fee --

Business Experience Requirements

Oogles n Googles Franchise
HipKidz Franchise
  • Marketing skills
  • -

    Financing Options

    Oogles n Googles Franchise
    HipKidz Franchise
      In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
    Franchise Fees No/No-/-
    Start-up Costs No/No-/-
    Equipment No/No-/-
    Inventory No/No-/-
    Receivables No/No-/-
    Payroll No/No-/-

    Training & Support

    Oogles n Googles Franchise
    HipKidz Franchise
    Training --
    Support Newsletter, Meetings, Internet, Field operations/evaluations, Purchasing cooperatives-
    Marketing Ad slicks-
    Operations Franchise can be run from home.

    1% of all franchisees own more than one unit

    Number of employees needed to run franchised unit: 2 - 2

    Absentee ownership of franchise is NOT allowed. (100% of current franchisees are owner/operators)


    Expansion Plans

    Oogles n Googles Franchise
    HipKidz Franchise
    US Expansion Yes-
    Canada Expansion NoNo
    International Expansion NoNo

    Company Overviews

    About Oogles n Googles


    About HipKidz

    Chidren's Sports and Fitness centre for kids between the ages of 5-13 and is pretty high tech but great fun. The Process of Franchising will commence in Autumn 2010. To register your interest please email us at [email protected]