Shake's Frozen Custard vs CherryBerry Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Shake's Frozen Custard vs CherryBerry including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Shake's Frozen Custard Franchise
CherryBerry Franchise
Investment $162,000 - $287,000$360,000 - $466,000
Franchise Fee $30,000$25,000
Royalty Fee 5%-
Advertising Fee 3%-
Year Founded 19912008
Year Franchised 19982008
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Renewal Fee 50% of initial franchise fee-

Business Experience Requirements

Shake's Frozen Custard Franchise
CherryBerry Franchise
  • General business experience
  • -

    Financing Options

    Shake's Frozen Custard Franchise
    CherryBerry Franchise
      In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
    Franchise Fees No/No-/-
    Start-up Costs No/Yes-/-
    Equipment No/Yes-/-
    Inventory No/No-/-
    Receivables No/No-/-
    Payroll No/No-/-

    Training & Support

    Shake's Frozen Custard Franchise
    CherryBerry Franchise
    Training As necessary-
    Support Newsletter, Meetings, Toll-free phone line, Grand opening, Internet, Security/safety procedures, Field operations/evaluations-
    Marketing Co-op advertising, Ad slicks-
    Operations 25% of all franchisees own more than one unit

    Number of employees needed to run franchised unit: 20

    Absentee ownership of franchise is allowed. (75% of current franchisees are owner/operators)


    Expansion Plans

    Shake's Frozen Custard Franchise
    CherryBerry Franchise
    US Expansion YesYes
    Canada Expansion No-
    International Expansion No-

    Company Overviews

    About Shake's Frozen Custard

    Shake's Frozen Custard was established on three principles: Quality, Service, and Cleanliness. Today, these simple principles serve as the foundation from which Shake's, the Brand, continues to evolve. Our uncompromising dedication to the highest level of quality standards and our deep passion for service are, and will forever remain, the heart and soul of Shake's Frozen Custard. At Shake's Frozen Custard, we have an unrelenting focus on the future but we build our dreams on experience. Don and Debbie Osborne, founders of Shake's Frozen Custard, take great pride in having created a friendly, family oriented business. We realize that business success is fueled by individual customer experiences. Shake's Frozen Custard has an incredible ability to knock down the barriers of time and space in transporting us to those moments in our memory in which we experienced excitement, contentment, satisfaction, fun or any number of the seemingly infinite descriptors of human emotion. Shake's Frozen Custard offers the highest quality, premium ice cream today with the fast, friendly "service with a smile" of days gone by.Shake's Frozen Custard is a vibrant, one of a kind experience driven by a variety of interactive zones and viewing stations all leading to the presentation of the "World's best frozen dessert!" Shake's is much, much more than a simple restaurant. Shake's is a multi-sensory experience in which friends, families and loved ones build long lasting memories of quality, fun, and excitement. Every component of the facility generates a symphonic atmosphere that lends itself to the creation of wholesome, multi-generational, electrifying experiences. Customers of all ages enjoy reliving memories of "homemade" ice cream outings of days gone by with those special people in their lives.
    Shake's Frozen Custard provides our customers with a timeless and exciting experience - creating Memories of pure, powerful joy through a steadfast commitment to uncompromising quality, service, and cleanliness.

    About CherryBerry


    Establishing a small business on your own can be tough. This is why many choose to go with an established brand. At CherryBerry, we have an incredible culture that focuses on our franchisees’ success. Riding on several decades of franchising experience with our parent company, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, we have developed a system that will help you jump-start your business and provide you with a competitive advantage in your market. As a franchisee, you will have access to all of our support systems and expertise as well as our trade secrets and unique strategies.
    Our constant efforts and economies of scale help keep product costs low and consistent product available. Additionally, you will benefit from CherryBerry's brand recognition and the integrity of the CherryBerry name.
    Frozen yogurt sells well in warmer months while chocolate sells well in cooler months. Through a special arrangement with our parent company, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, you can add a complementary offering of fine chocolates and caramel apples to expand your market.
    CherryBerry’s premium and top-quality distinctive flavors are developed by some of the most knowledgeable yogurt innovators in the industry. Our product is certified to contain live and active cultures to promote good health, plus its creamy texture, original flavors and extensive toppings have been praised by the masses as the best tasting and highest quality frozen yogurt available. The CherryBerry name assures your customers that they can expect the same great quality frozen yogurt time after time.
    We provide you with an excellent business model which includes all the necessary training and assistance you’ll need to create a thriving business. Our staff includes experts in real estate, construction, training, operations and marketing.