Happy Joe's vs Pizza Fusion Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Happy Joe's vs Pizza Fusion including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Happy Joe's Franchise
Pizza Fusion Franchise
Investment $24,470 - $1,030,625$400,000 - $600,000
Franchise Fee $15,000 - $17,000$30,000
Royalty Fee 4.5%-5%-
Advertising Fee 1.5%-
Year Founded 19722006
Year Franchised 19732006
Term Of Agreement 15 years-
Term Of Agreement 15 years-
Renewal Fee 10% of fee or $2K-

Business Experience Requirements

Happy Joe's Franchise
Pizza Fusion Franchise
  • General business experience
  • -

    Financing Options

    Happy Joe's Franchise
    Pizza Fusion Franchise
      In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
    Franchise Fees No/Yes-/-
    Start-up Costs No/Yes-/-
    Equipment No/Yes-/-
    Inventory No/Yes-/-
    Receivables No/Yes-/-
    Payroll No/Yes-/-

    Training & Support

    Happy Joe's Franchise
    Pizza Fusion Franchise
    Training On-The-Job Training: 300 hours Classroom Training: 40 hours -
    Support Purchasing Co-ops Newsletter Meetings/Conventions Grand Opening Online Support Security/Safety Procedures Field Operations Site Selection Proprietary Software -
    Marketing Co-op Advertising Ad Templates Regional Advertising Social media Website development Email marketing Loyalty program/app-
    Operations 33% of all franchisees own more than one unit

    Number of employees needed to run franchised unit: 45

    Absentee ownership of franchise is allowed. (100% of current franchisees are owner/operators)


    Expansion Plans

    Happy Joe's Franchise
    Pizza Fusion Franchise
    US Expansion Yes-
    Canada Expansion No-
    International Expansion Yes-

    Company Overviews

    About Happy Joe's

    Lawrence Joseph Whitty had worked in the bakery business for years before becoming an assistant manager at a Shakey's pizzeria. He decided to combine his baking skills with the experience he had gained from working at a pizza restaurant, where he would often hear families decide to go out for ice cream for dessert. Combining pizza and ice cream, Whitty opened the first Happy Joe's Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor in East Davenport, Iowa, in 1972. His signature item was the Happy Joe's Special, a pizza with Canadian bacon and sauerkraut that Whitty created from leftovers in his mother's kitchen. After a franchisee suggested adding tacos to the menu, Whitty created the restaurant's best-selling product, the Taco Pizza.

    Seeking new franchisees in the following regions/states:

     Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota and Wisconsin

    The total investment necessary to begin operations of a Happy Joe’s Full Size Restaurant or Happy Joe’s PizzaGrille Restaurant is $279,750 to $1,030,625. This includes $0 to $16,500 that must be paid to the franchisor or an affiliate.
    The total investment necessary to begin operations of a Happy Joe’s DELCO Facility is $164,500 to $423,000. This includes the $0 to $16,500 that must be paid to the franchisor or an affiliate.
    The total investment to begin operations of a Happy Joe’s Satellite ranges from $24,470 to $132,340. This includes the $0 to $16,500 paid to the franchisor or an affiliate.
    The total investment necessary to begin operations of a Happy Joe’s Area Developer business ranges from $17,625 to $94,100. This includes the development fee ranging from $15,000 to $45,000 that must be paid to the franchisor.

    About Pizza Fusion

    Get a Piece of the Pie Pizza is as much of an American past time as baseball and apple pie. Quite possibly America's favorite food. Organic Growth The organic industry is a relatively young market to the American consumer. While the organic movement began in the first half of the 20th century, it hasn't gained in popularity until the last 20 years as concerns about agrichemicals' effect on the environment have risen. Today, global warming, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters, have opened the eyes of the world as the damage to the Earth's ecosystem has become a reality. Consequently, consumers are educating themselves on the toxins that are damaging the environment, like those used in non-organic farming practices, and realizing that they're also hurting themselves. As a result, the organic industry has consistently grown at a rate of 20% per year for the last seven years. Today, the organic industry boasts $15 billion in sales per year and experts predict continued growth. In terms of restaurants, organic food is almost non-existent. The Pizza Fusion Difference By combining the demand of the organic food sector (the fastest growing market in the food industry) with the established popularity of the pizza industry, Pizza Fusion has created a mold for a powerful entrepreneurial climate. We're looking to acquire franchisees who not only believe in our mission, but are also interested in the social and commercial benefits of owning an organic business.