PremierGarage vs Crop & Drop Counter Tops Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of PremierGarage vs Crop & Drop Counter Tops including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

PremierGarage Franchise
Crop & Drop Counter Tops Franchise
Investment $129,950 - $408,000$154,000
Franchise Fee $35,000 - $75,000$35,000
Royalty Fee $3.5K-7.5K/yr.-
Advertising Fee --
Year Founded 1999-
Year Franchised 2002-
Term Of Agreement 5 years-
Term Of Agreement 5 years-
Renewal Fee --

Business Experience Requirements

PremierGarage Franchise
Crop & Drop Counter Tops Franchise
Experience --

Financing Options

PremierGarage Franchise
Crop & Drop Counter Tops Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees No/No-/-
Start-up Costs No/No-/-
Equipment No/No-/-
Inventory No/No-/-
Receivables No/No-/-
Payroll No/No-/-

Training & Support

PremierGarage Franchise
Crop & Drop Counter Tops Franchise
Training --
Support --
Marketing --
Operations --

Expansion Plans

PremierGarage Franchise
Crop & Drop Counter Tops Franchise
US Expansion --
Canada Expansion No-
International Expansion No-

Company Overviews

About PremierGarage


In 2010, Tailored Living and PremierGarage formed a strategic partnership to create the largest whole-home and garage organization franchise in the nation. PremierGarage’s brand recognition and reputation in the garage industry made them the ideal partner. In 2011, Tailored Living acquired the PremierGarage® brand name.

Our reach extends to our marketing power as well. Our years of experience in lead generation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM), as well as local marketing tactics, help drive business to our franchisees with the greatest effectiveness, which makes it one of the best franchise opportunities available!.
PremierGarage offers storage and flooring solutions for garage, closets, pantries, mudrooms, home offices through complimentary in-home consultations, professional measuring and installation.
Veterans will receive a 15% discount

About Crop & Drop Counter Tops

As a Crop & Drop Counter Tops franchisee, you will effectively penetrate multiple markets your competition can only dream of. The reason is simple... price. You will basically be offering the same products as a granite fabrication plant at a fraction of the cost. Not only will you cater to an established industry, but you'll also be selling to a market normally outside the reach of the solid surface fabricator - the ordinary home owner. Research has proven that home owners with average incomes would purchase granite if it were more affordable. With Crop & Drop Counter Tops, that obstacle is removed. Your price advantage permits you to sell at up to 50% below your competition and still maintain your profit margins!

This opportunity will only be available for a short time. We are only interested in establishing a few franchises per area, so contact us today to get started! Remember, previous experience is not required - our program was developed to train and certify selected individuals with or without experience.