SimplySold Real Estate vs Renters Warehouse Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of SimplySold Real Estate vs Renters Warehouse including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

SimplySold Real Estate Franchise
Renters Warehouse Franchise
Investment $75,300 - $187,900$14,819 - $50,405
Franchise Fee $12,500 - $25,000$1,000 - $10,000
Royalty Fee Varies4.5%
Advertising Fee --
Year Founded 20032007
Year Franchised 20062011
Term Of Agreement 5 years7 years
Term Of Agreement 5 years7 years
Renewal Fee $5000-

Business Experience Requirements

SimplySold Real Estate Franchise
Renters Warehouse Franchise
Experience -

Q. Do you need business experience to run a Renters Warehouse property management franchise? A. No, Renters Warehouse will provide your initial training and also ongoing support. We will also provide you with a well documented and easy to use operations manual.

Financing Options

SimplySold Real Estate Franchise
Renters Warehouse Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees Yes/No-/-
Start-up Costs No/No-/-
Equipment No/No-/-
Inventory No/No-/-
Receivables No/No-/-
Payroll No/No-/-

Training & Support

SimplySold Real Estate Franchise
Renters Warehouse Franchise
Training -

Available at headquarters: 5 days. At franchisee's location: 2 days.

Support -

Newsletter, Toll-free phone line, Grand opening, Internet, Security/safety procedures, Field operations/evaluations, Purchasing cooperatives, Lease Negotiation

Marketing -

Co-op advertising, National media, Regional advertising,

Operations --

Expansion Plans

SimplySold Real Estate Franchise
Renters Warehouse Franchise
US Expansion -Yes
Canada Expansion No-
International Expansion No-

Company Overviews

About SimplySold Real Estate

We are a one-stop shop concierge service that coordinates and manages residential prep services to produce a “market ready” home.

About Renters Warehouse

The Renter's Warehouse franchise offers a complete business model based on technology, operating systems, marketing programs and proven property management business tools.Renters Warehouse was named the largest and fastest growing property management company in Minnesota by Inc. Magazine. In addition to Minnesota, they are ranked #3 in the nation. Renters Warehouse is also considered the largest Minneapolis Property Manager. Renters Warehouse was featured #132 in the Inc. 500 for fastest growing privately held companies in America!

Renters Warehouse is America’s full-service property management and investment services company for Single-Family Rental homes.

We believe our clients deserve a partner to help them execute on their real estate investment strategy with ease. Our real estate investment marketplace services and hassle-free property management will help you to take the next steps to financial freedom.