Americlean Cost Comparisons
About Americlean
Below is a quick comparison of Americlean against other Dry Cleaning franchises and business opportunities. For an in depth comparison of Americlean with another opportunity including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options click on the name of the company to view the detailed comparison.
AWC Commercial Window Coverings |
$25,000 |
5-12.5% |
$110,000-$120,000 |
CD One Price Cleaners |
$20,000 |
8% |
3% |
$650,000-$830,000 |
Certified Restoration DryCleaning Network |
$24,600-$64,600 |
6%-9% |
1% |
$63,650-$508,850 |
Comet Cleaners |
$15,000 |
0 |
$79,000-$624,000 |
Door-To-Door Dry Cleaning |
$25,000 |
5-7% |
$33,000-$54,000 |
Dove Cleaners & Cadet Cleaners |
$30,000 |
$30,000 |
Dry Cleaning Station |
$15,000-$35,000 |
Varies |
$58,000-$485,500 |
Dryclean USA |
$30,000 |
$6.9K/yr. |
$261,500-$606,500 |
Eco Laundry Company, The |
$30,000 |
6% |
Up to 2% |
$229,700-$350,000 |
Evans Garment Restoration |
N/A |
$1,000,000-$3,000,000 |
FRSTeam |
$25,000-$35,000 |
6% |
$43,375-$409,000 |
Hangers Cleaners |
$50,000 |
4% |
$750,000-$1,500,000 |
ImageFirst |
N/A |
$140,000-$200,000 |
Lapels |
$20,000-$30,000 |
5% |
2% |
$86,502-$710,122 |
Martinizing Delivers |
$24,500 |
4% |
$62,850-$85,900 |
Martinizing Dry Cleaning |
$69,500 |
6% |
1% |
$419,650-$730,525 |
Nu-Look 1 Hr. Cleaners |
$20,000 |
2% |
$221,500-$1,218,500 |
Oxxo Care Cleaners |
$36,000 |
6% |
1% |
$475,500-$667,000 |
Pressed4Time |
$24,900 |
4-6% |
$31,260-$37,995 |
Restoration DryCleaning |
$29,000-$44,000 |
6% |
$37,400-$222,000 |
Spectrum Towels and Scrubs |
N/A |
$100-$100,000 |
Tide Cleaners |
$20,000-$50,000 |
6.5% |
2% |
$8,000-$1,573,300 |
$30,000 |
6% |
5% |
$745,700-$1,300,000 |