Koya Japan vs Tiki-Ming Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Koya Japan vs Tiki-Ming including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Koya Japan Franchise
Tiki-Ming Franchise
Investment $185,000 - $215,000$175,000 - $500,000
Franchise Fee $25,000$30,000 - $40,000
Royalty Fee --
Advertising Fee --
Year Founded -1979
Year Franchised -1983
Term Of Agreement --
Term Of Agreement --
Renewal Fee --

Business Experience Requirements

Koya Japan Franchise
Tiki-Ming Franchise
Experience --

Financing Options

Koya Japan Franchise
Tiki-Ming Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees -/--/-
Start-up Costs -/--/-
Equipment -/--/-
Inventory -/--/-
Receivables -/--/-
Payroll -/--/-

Training & Support

Koya Japan Franchise
Tiki-Ming Franchise
Training --
Support --
Marketing --
Operations --

Expansion Plans

Koya Japan Franchise
Tiki-Ming Franchise
US Expansion -Yes
Canada Expansion --
International Expansion -Yes

Company Overviews

About Koya Japan

Koya Japan is keeping on developing in the eatery administrations industry, and we are searching for committed establishment proprietors who are excited and enthusiastic about Japanese sustenance to join our group.

To wind up distinctly an establishment proprietor, there will be a 3-arrange meeting and examination handle. Hopefuls will be chosen in view of the accompanying criteria: business intuition and experience, money related practicality, character and mentality, compelling learning and correspondences aptitudes, and the sky is the limit from there.

Owning an establishment implies you are good to go for yourself yet not without anyone else's input.
A Koya Japan establishment proprietor will profit by the skill of our exceptionally experienced experts.

MTY Group is a family whose heart beats to the rhythm of its brands, the very soul of its multi-branded strategy. For over 35 years, it has been increasing its presence by delivering new concepts in quick-service restaurants and making acquisitions and strategic alliances that have allowed MTY Group to reach new heights year after year.

By combining new trends with operational know-how, the brands forming the MTY Group now touch the lives of millions of people every year. With over 7000 locations worldwide and the multitude of flavours of its many brands, MTY is able to satisfy the different tastes and needs of consumers every day.

About Tiki-Ming

Tiki-Ming is one of Canada's pioneers in the Chinese speedy administration industry. Since 1983, Canadians have appreciated the delicious and endearing taste of Tiki-Ming's food. From the minute you approach
Tiki-Ming's popular steam table, you will be welcomed by a cornucopia of delightful and ameliorating Chinese dishes made new day by day by our high-gifted gourmet specialists. From our well known General Tao chicken to our compelling panfry choice, you will experience serious difficulties! Our menu likewise incorporates an assortment of true made-to-request panfry dishes newly arranged in our woks and an assortment of wonderful noodle soups.

Based on convention and bona fide values, Tiki-Ming has an unbelievably wide interest to clients of any age and is prepared to fulfill all Chinese sustenance yearnings!