Foot Efx Cost Comparisons

About Foot Efx

Foot Efx, LLC, a foot-care retailer, sells arch supports and other foot-related products in the United States, Canada, and internationally. The company offers symmetry and lifestyle products, youth athletic and children's arch supports, and performance support socks. It also operates franchise stores in the United States, Canada, and Southeast Asia.

Shoes and Shoe Stores Franchise Opportunities

Below is a quick comparison of Foot Efx against other Shoes and Shoe Stores franchises and business opportunities. For an in depth comparison of Foot Efx with another opportunity including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options click on the name of the company to view the detailed comparison.

Franchise Franchise Fee Royalty Advertising Fee Development Costs
Flip Flop Shops $30,000 5% 0.5% $185,000-$275,000
Kiddie Kobbler $30,000 $100,000-$130,000
New Feet Store $10,875-$29,000 5% $154,350-$218,300
Panda Shoes $25,000 4% 0.5% $80,000-$125,000
Shoebox New York $39,900 5% 2% $500,000-$1,225,000
Zeko Shoes N/A $5,000-$30,000
Zelen Shoes $6,500 2.5% $100/mo $100,000