Doughboys vs Tony Roni's Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Doughboys vs Tony Roni's including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Doughboys Franchise
Tony Roni's Franchise
Investment $143,000 - $477,000$323,000 - $390,000
Franchise Fee $20,000 - $30,000$25,000
Royalty Fee 5%-
Advertising Fee 2%-
Year Founded 2004-
Year Franchised 2006-
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Renewal Fee $2000-

Business Experience Requirements

Doughboys Franchise
Tony Roni's Franchise
Experience -Passion, commitment and a positive attitude, coupled with personal financial qualifications, and a track record of success are important factors in our evaluation process. Restaurant experience is helpful; however, it is not a requirement.

Financing Options

Doughboys Franchise
Tony Roni's Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees -/--/-
Start-up Costs -/--/-
Equipment -/--/-
Inventory -/--/-
Receivables -/--/-
Payroll -/--/-

Training & Support

Doughboys Franchise
Tony Roni's Franchise
Training * Available at headquarters: 2-4 weeks

* At franchisee's location: 2-4 weeks

All new franchisees participate in a 6 week comprehensive training program at our corporate training center and franchise training store located in Philadelphia, PA. You will receive both classroom instruction and hands-on in store training in all key areas of the business.
Support --
Marketing --
Operations --

Expansion Plans

Doughboys Franchise
Tony Roni's Franchise
US Expansion --
Canada Expansion --
International Expansion --

Company Overviews

About Doughboys


About Tony Roni's

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own business, setting goals and building a foundation for your future? By joining the Tony Roni's family you can begin to make those dreams a reality. The franchise business model has evolved as a proven system to provide passionate, goal oriented individuals the opportunity to realize their dreams of owning their own business. One of the best things about franchise ownership is that much of the legwork for starting a business is already complete. You may be asking yourself why Tony Roni's? There are many reasons! First, Tony Roni's provides franchisees with a slice of the 30 billion dollar pizza market. According to a national survey 93% of Americans choose to enjoy pizza at least once every month. As a Tony Roni's Franchisee you will have access to all of our unique family recipes, operational systems, and comprehensive six week training program. In addition you will be provided with our turn-key marketing plan and ongoing support from our team of experienced managers and staff. When you succeed, we succeed. The ideal Tony Roni's franchisee is a hands-on owner operator who pays attention to detail, has a keen business sense, and the ability to motivate a team.Established in 1996, the Tony Roni's system has been carefully developed with great attention to "detail" to guide and support our family of franchisees in achieving their dreams. Don't miss this great opportunity to join the brand that delivers!