Why Cafe 22? The dine-in experience! The complete experience! Because when it comes to pizza franchises, we're in the upper crust. If you have the interest, the commitment, and the drive to make a Pizza Hotline or Cafe22 franchise a success, we will make it happen for you - we've spent over 20 years honing our concept. We've done all the homework, we know the market inside out and now we want to share our insights with you. Companies from virtually all industry sectors regularly use Winnipeg as a test market. Some even say that Winnipeg is the New York of the North - "if you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere". We started in Winnipeg, we're thriving in Winnipeg, and now we're ready to expand our success into new markets. We can talk with you about which franchise option - Pizza Hotline or Cafe 22 - would work best in your desired location. Most suburban neighbourhoods are served best by a Pizza Hotline take-out and delivery location, but in other areas, Cafe 22 is a perfect fit, offering a casual, relaxed environment where people can gather with friends and enjoy the Pizza Hotline menu - and more. If you think you have what it takes to run a successful Pizza Hotline or Cafe 22 franchise, we'd like to talk to you.