Fresh Aire Cost Comparisons

About Fresh Aire


We are looking for people-friendly couples or individuals who have the maturity to be able to connect with their community and who are very happy with themselves and the people in their lives. There needs to be an innate willingness to work full days initially and get in front of people you do not yet know and ask them to do business with you by trying your fragrancing and deodorizing service. You should have some type of involvement in your community and have an understanding of the value of service. You should have sufficient savings to sustain your standard of living through the initial growth phase of your franchise, or have a secondary source of income from a working spouse or other source. The ideal franchisee will have specific volume goals and will work full-time until they are met. You should be thinking that once your income goals are met that the service aspect of the business is handled by trusted employees, thus freeing you to do whatever you feel like doing without a loss of business revenue.