Wednesday, December 18, 2013
"Our goal is to give our franchise owners greater grass roots interaction with Jack in the Box Corporate," Anil Yadav, chairman of the association board of directors, said in a news release. "It is important that franchise owners have a channel to offer feedback and input into the decisions that affect them." The new board of directors includes: Anil Yadav (chairman) - A franchisee since 1989, Yadav currently owns and operates 255 restaurants with Jack in the Box, Denny's and Sizzler. He is the largest Jack in the Box Franchisee in the U.S. with 219 restaurants.
Reza Khajavi (president) "" As CEO and President of 67 Jack in the Box restaurants in the Northwest market, Khajavi previously spent 27 years with Jack in the Box in various positions.
David Beshay (vice president) - Beshay owns and operates 43 restaurants in Southern California, maintaining ownership interest in 96 other Jack in the Box restaurants across the U.S. He previously served in multiple capacities within Jack in the Box Corporate before becoming a franchisee.
Rabi Viswanath (secretary) "" Viswanath is the franchise owner of 43 Jack in the Box restaurants. Having been with the company for over 15 years, he previously served in multiple capacities with Jack in the Box Corporate, YUM! Brands and Domino's Pizza.
F. Michael Norwich, Jr. "" Starting with Jack in the Box in 1992, Norwich became a franchise operator in 1994, currently operating 13 restaurants in the New Mexico/Texas markets.
Atour Eyvazian "" Originally from Iran and beginning as a maintenance worker at Jack in the Box 25 years ago, Eyvazian currently is an operating partner for 107 Jack in the Box restaurants in the U.S.
Mike Flores "" Flores has been a franchisee since 2008. He is an operating partner for 21 Jack in the Box restaurants. He previously served as a regional franchise director, a district manager and a restaurant manager for Jack in the Box beginning with the company in 1971.
Nasir Farooqi "" Farooqi began his career with Jack in the Box in the early 70s, becoming a franchisee in the late 80s. He is currently serving over 14 locations in the San Diego area.
Chris Aslam "" A second generation Jack in the Box franchisee became a franchise operator at the age of 23. Today with over 18 years' experience in the restaurant industry, he has 34 restaurants in Texas and has won multiple awards including "Developer of the Year".
Kevin Townsend "" A second generation franchisee, Townsend started his work with Jack in the Box in 2010.
Larry Jones "" Jones has owned and operated seven Jack in the Box restaurants for the past 22 years and has been a part of the restaurant industry from a young age holding various positions with Jack in the Box Corporate for 10 years prior to becoming a franchisee.
Steve Flohr "" Having started with Jack in the Box in 1970 and a franchise owner since 1985, Flohr has been on the NFA board in various capacities since 2003.
Kelly Kuhlmann "" As a franchisee of 70 Jack in the Box restaurants, Kuhlmann previously served as president and CEO of Bueno Development Group LLC, as a Taco Bueno franchisee and vice president of Operations as a Taco Bell/KFC Franchisee.
Additionally special board members include: Clyde Rucker "" Rucker is CEO of 56 Jack in the Box restaurants. He has worked with Burger King Corporation, where he held several positions including vice president, Diversity Business Enterprise, vice president, Central Region, SVP Chief of Staff, SVP Global Communications and External Affairs. He has also held executivel and management positions with brands including Quiznos, Arbys' Division of Triarc Companies and the PepsiCo/Kentucky Fried Chicken division.
Terry Shindle "" Currently a CEO and franchisee of 51 locations, maintaining ownership interest in 70 other Jack in the Box restaurants across the U.S. Shindle previously served in multiple leadership positions for Oggi's Pizza and Brewing Company, Coco's Bakery restaurants, Boston Market restaurants and Bakers Square restaurants.
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Jack in the Box Inc
9330 Balboa Avenue
San Diego,
Phone: (858) 571-4044
Fax: (858) 694-1501