Enviro-Master, recognized by Entrepreneur magazine as a Top New Franchise for 2014, welcomes its newest Chattanooga/Knoxville franchise location. Following several months of searching with Bruce Krebs of the Entrepreneur's Source for a business that best fits their interests, personalities and business goals, Eric and Michele Muschel purchased their Enviro-Master franchise from Pat Swisher, president and CEO of Charlotte, NC-based Enviro-Master and considered to be the founder of the Hygiene Industry.
Enviro-Master will serve businesses in 29 counties throughout Chattanooga and Greater Knoxville. They expect to start in June 2014.
Twenty-four franchises have been sold throughout the U.S. including: Orlando, San Antonio, Greensboro, Raleigh, Greenville, Tampa, Houston, St. Louis, Nashville, Detroit, Jacksonville, Washington, D.C., Cape Coral, FL, Pittsburgh, Charlotte, Raleigh, Chicago, West Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Bernardino County, East Atlanta and now Chattanooga.
"I wanted to take control of my own destiny," said Mr. Muschel. "Enviro-Master presents a great value proposition highlighted by a recurring revenue model that makes this opportunity a win-win."
Most recently, Mr. Muschel was a branch manager for a service business, having risen in positions of increasing responsibility since 1995 that covered all aspects of running a business "" from sales and service to staffing and accounting. He received his bachelor's degree in accounting and business in 1993 from UNC Wilmington.
For more information about Enviro-Master of Chattanooga, contact Mr. Muschel at 362-7067,
[email protected] or visit www.enviro-master.com.
Mr. Krebs, also of Chattanooga, is a consultant for the Entrepreneur's Source and was recently named Franchise of the Year. Mr. Krebs has placed several of his clients with Enviro-Master. "After 20 years in corporate America, Eric realized that Enviro-Master was the best business opportunity to advance his goals for building wealth and equity," commented Mr. Krebs. "Eric was also keenly aware of the Swisher brand and recognized the improved Enviro-Master model, which is led by industry pioneer Pat Swisher. With his experience in the service industry, Eric is a great fit for this franchise."
Enviro-Master is an approved vendor in virtually all of the national restaurant chains.
"We welcome Eric and Michele to our growing franchise system," remarked Pat Swisher. "We believe they have what it takes to bring our high quality services to Tennessee and to serve as strong brand ambassadors."
Franchise Ranking History
Franchise 500: #392 (2014)