10 months after becoming an @ Lodging Org location we had an all-time record month and saved over $30,000.00 in one month!
We"�ll show you how we did it for free!
Replace your current flag with AAA, your loyalty program with Twitter, your software with OpenHotel PMS and save big! You can have a better PMS, a better channel manager, a better loyalty group, a 20 mile protected area, and a better flag while saving about 95% of your franchise costs! No Contracts! No Mandatory upgrades! No Mandatory conferences! No GDS fees! No Advertising Fees! No Royalties! No penalties! and No bossy Franchise Reps! Dear Fellow Hotelier, Don't be a fool, the emperor has no clothes! I have been a hotelier for over 30 years and in the 10 years as a franchisee we wasted almost $1.5 million on franchise fees before dropping our flag. There's also a cost to earn the 10% you give your franchisor, you're actually dedicating at least 20 to 30% of your revenue to pay for your name and loyalty group! If you have reviews over 3.5 you're helping your franchisor they're not helping you they're hurting you! Independents are growing, only bad hoteliers need a flag. Eventually the public will realize this. Don't be the last to leave or instead of benefiting from this trend you'll be hurt by it.
Sincerely, David C. Taylor @ Lodging Org Founder [email protected] 866.270.2377 "The @ is where it's at!" Check out our new free hotel franchise at: www.atlodging.org
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