Below is a quick comparison of Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Company against other Chocolates & Candy franchises and business opportunities. For an in depth comparison of Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Company with another opportunity including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options click on the name of the company to view the detailed comparison.
Franchise | Franchise Fee | Royalty | Advertising Fee | Development Costs |
Australian Homemade | $25,000 | $100,000-$200,000 | ||
Candy Bouquet | $3,600-$29,000 | 0 | $5,900-$33,000 | |
Candy Express | $25,000 | 7% | $125,000-$175,000 | |
Chocolate Graphics | $5,000-$68,000 | 6% of retail sales beginning Year 4 | $250,000-$375,000 | |
Chocolate Works | $50,000 | 5% | $300/month Nat'l+1%local | $284,800-$436,600 |
Cookies in Bloom | $19,500 | 5% | $75,000-$116,000 | |
Fannie May Candies | $40,000 | $260,000-$460,000 | ||
Fudge Company, The | $12,500-$15,000 | 3% | $32,000-$45,000 | |
Fuzziwig's Candy Factory | $30,000 | 6% | $184,000-$363,350 | |
Kilwin's Chocolates | $20,000-$40,000 | 5% | 1% | $177,534-$937,415 |
Leonidas Chocolates - Western Canada | N/A | $50,000-$100,000 | ||
Peterbrooke | $25,000 | 6% | 3% | $212,750-$343,500 |
Powell's Sweet Shoppe | $30,000 | 6% | 2% | $370,000-$440,000 |
River Street Sweets | $40,000 | 5% | 2% | $419,550-$844,000 |
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory | $25,000 | 5% | to 2% | $186,517-$476,793 |
Schakolad Chocolate Factory | $39,500 | $600-$1K/mo. | $100/mo | $121,500-$153,500 |
Showcolate Fondue Express | $27,500 | 6% | $99,500-$155,000 | |
Sir Chocolate | $25,000 | 5% | $41,300-$136,500 | |
South Bend Chocolate Company | $35,000 | 4% | $85,700-$676,460 | |
Sweet Factory | $35,000 | 6% | 1%-2% | $355,500-$1,500,000 |
Tasty Image | N/A | 5% | $157,400-$245,500 | |
Tropik Sun Fruit & Nut | $20,000 | 6% | $93,000-$214,000 |