Buscemi's Pizza vs Piazza Puglia Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Buscemi's Pizza vs Piazza Puglia including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Buscemi's Pizza Franchise
Piazza Puglia Franchise
Investment $36,000 - $55,000$55,000 - And Up
Franchise Fee $10,000N/A
Royalty Fee $700/ month$200/mo. from 3rd year
Advertising Fee --
Year Founded 1955-
Year Franchised 0-
Term Of Agreement --
Term Of Agreement --
Renewal Fee --

Business Experience Requirements

Buscemi's Pizza Franchise
Piazza Puglia Franchise
Experience -

* Completed the age of majority; attend the course for certified administration of foods and drinks; * Opening VAT, as a company or as an individual entrepreneur; * Registration with INPS and INAL; * Premises for rent or ownership preferably at least 300 square meters for the full format or with a size of 100 square meters for single module * Capital affiliation between 50,000 and 200,000 Euros.

Financing Options

Buscemi's Pizza Franchise
Piazza Puglia Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees -/--/-
Start-up Costs -/--/-
Equipment -/--/-
Inventory -/--/-
Receivables -/--/-
Payroll -/--/-

Training & Support

Buscemi's Pizza Franchise
Piazza Puglia Franchise
Training --
Support --
Marketing --
Operations --

Expansion Plans

Buscemi's Pizza Franchise
Piazza Puglia Franchise
US Expansion --
Canada Expansion --
International Expansion -Yes

Company Overviews

About Buscemi's Pizza

In the years ahead, the outlook for the franchise food industry is impressive. More families are eating out, and homemade prepared Italian foods are in ....so is Buscemi's.The 2000's have held great potential, particularly for the Original Buscemi's because it appeals to the population of Americans who have been brought up on convenience, fast foods and an informal way of life. Nationwide convenience store chains are adding brand name fast food operation to their stores. Many working parents today have raised their families on convenience foods and an "eat-as-you-can" basis. These facts bring our ideas right into focus: Americans today, because of their fast pace and many activities, would just as soon "grab a bite on the way". With Pizza and Subs being two of the most popular foods, gaining to be the favorites, we feel that Buscemis's provides the answer to a hungry America. After you've read over the material on this website and taken all necessary considerations, we think you'll be convinced, as we are, that there is a great future in Buscemi's.

Buscemi’s present competition comes from single unit operators of party stores. Consequently, as the only party store chain of any real size in Michigan, Buscemi’s has for years enjoyed a good measure of leadership in the Southeastern Michigan marketplace.

Management believes the superior food products and services offered in the Buscemi’s Party Shoppes, if coupled with greater marketing and advertising, could place the Company in a truly dominant position in Michigan. If rapid growth can be attained in the Michigan market area, Buscemi’s may eventually consider expansion into the national market for party and convenience stores.

Growth in Michigan will be through the conversion of existing party and liquor stores in southeastern Michigan, which hold state liquor, beer and wine licenses, and lottery licenses. New licenses are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain, so the purchase of an existing license is a much surer method. These stores will then be converted by remodeling with a new Buscemi’s decor package, signage and menu. The Submarine sandwiches. Such stores can be converted to the Buscemi’s concept and reopened in as little as 60-90 days.

The initial focus for selling new franchises will be accomplished through store conversions and offering reduced franchise fees and royalty payments to persons who convert their stores to Buscemi’s Party Shoppes.

About Piazza Puglia

The brand "Cioce" born and establishes itself in Puglia, starting from Andria, thanks to a thirty-year experience in Food and Beverage, copious results in the opening (and in the restructuring and / or conversion) of public local trend and strong appeal for demanding and selected guests. The testing of the most diversified formulas in the specific area and the constant search for quality in services and products must be lead to a concentration of know -how which is the current competitive plus. In the world of franchising the Group Cioce srl suggests a format of great charm called "Piazza Puglia", presenting itself as a leading developer in franchise location structured and modular for the typical food and quality, with a strong and unique geographical connotation " Made in Puglia ". A qualified and well-organized team of professionals follows frontline supplier selection, product selection, recipe creation, the scenery of the location, the structuring of sales outlets, staff training and the organization of work, ensuring compliance with the highest standards of market.

The previous route supports the ambitious project of "Piazza Puglia", a prototype of a small Apulia square, party decorated with lots of lights, where there are three forms bearing (the restaurant Trattoria / stove / grill restaurant / wood stove / fry; the typical Gastronomy Regional with its many delights for the palate, intended for tasting and for sale to the detail, the Caffe '/ bakery / ice cream / fruit store.


*Apulia (Region's leading wine tourism) as a trademark driving *Know-how and long experience in the Campaigns of Communication and Promotion default *Logistical support capillary *Pre and post opening support *Cutting-edge information system *Continuing education *Organizational procedures standardized *Flexibility and dynamism in the reception of changing tastes of customers *Economies of scale in real estate costs, equipment and supplies