Pet Valu Canada Inc. Cost Comparisons

About Pet Valu Canada Inc.

Pet Valu is Canada's leading pet specialty retailer, with more than 900 stores in the Pet Valu family of stores across North America. In our pet-friendly stores, you will find more than 7,000 products from more than 200 suppliers, including holistic and premium brands of foods and treats, as well as a wide selection of essential and innovative supplies. We pride ourselves on being pet experts trained in pet care and nutrition through the University of California Davis Extension School. Our philosophy is to provide owners with the best selection of pet care items at competitive prices, together with friendly customer service from our team of pet experts, at convenient neighbourhood store locations. At Pet Valu, we are pet experts and pet lovers too!

Building on over 30 successful years, Pet Valu offers you a value-added franchise opportunity with a loyal customer base, an established brand, and a growing market. The PET VALU franchise system requires the personal involvement of the franchisee in the day to day operation of the store. While it is possible to have a non-active financial partner, the Operator of the franchise must own a minimum of 25% of the voting shares of the franchisee corporation. The total investment required will vary depending on many factors, including the size of the store, necessary leasehold improvements and equipment requirements, sales levels and inventory requirements. A franchisee must live within one hour's driving time of the franchise outlet.  The PET VALU system is the product of extensive research, investigation and fine-tuning during a period of more than 20 years. The franchisee obtains the benefits of this experience, but must be prepared to operate within the guidelines of the system in order to preserve uniformity of operation, combined purchasing strength and the other economies of a cohesive retail chain.


#25 in Canada's Top franchises.

Franchise Opportunities

Below is a quick comparison of Pet Valu Canada Inc. against other franchises and business opportunities. For an in depth comparison of Pet Valu Canada Inc. with another opportunity including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options click on the name of the company to view the detailed comparison.

Franchise Franchise Fee Royalty Advertising Fee Development Costs
Bosley's $25,000 5% $277,300-$500,300
Fabulous Furballs $35,000 $125,000-$220,000