LaRosa's vs Piazza Puglia Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of LaRosa's vs Piazza Puglia including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

LaRosa's Franchise
Piazza Puglia Franchise
Investment $729,200 - $1,927,000$55,000 - And Up
Franchise Fee $35,000N/A
Royalty Fee 4%$200/mo. from 3rd year
Advertising Fee 4%-
Year Founded 1954-
Year Franchised 1967-
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Renewal Fee --

Business Experience Requirements

LaRosa's Franchise
Piazza Puglia Franchise
Experience We're looking for multi-unit foodservice and retail operators, as well as other investors who have a history of business success. While restaurant experience is preferred, franchise candidates with other professional backgrounds are encouraged to apply, but will be required to employ experienced and qualified restaurant operators as a General Manager in each LaRosa's Pizzeria.

* Completed the age of majority; attend the course for certified administration of foods and drinks; * Opening VAT, as a company or as an individual entrepreneur; * Registration with INPS and INAL; * Premises for rent or ownership preferably at least 300 square meters for the full format or with a size of 100 square meters for single module * Capital affiliation between 50,000 and 200,000 Euros.

Financing Options

LaRosa's Franchise
Piazza Puglia Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees -/--/-
Start-up Costs -/--/-
Equipment -/--/-
Inventory -/--/-
Receivables -/--/-
Payroll -/--/-

Training & Support

LaRosa's Franchise
Piazza Puglia Franchise
Training On-The-Job Training: 280-320 hours Classroom Training: 40-80 hours -
Support Newsletter Meetings/Conventions Toll-Free Line Grand Opening Online Support Security/Safety Procedures Field Operations Site Selection Proprietary Software Franchisee Intranet Platform -
Marketing Ad Templates Regional Advertising Social media SEO Website development Email marketing Loyalty program/app -
Operations If you have restaurant management experience, you may wish to work day to day in the operation of your LaRosa's pizzeria. If you don't have restaurant management experience or choose not to work day to day in the operation of your LaRosa's pizzeria, an experienced restaurant General Manager must be hired to run day to day operations.-

Expansion Plans

LaRosa's Franchise
Piazza Puglia Franchise
US Expansion --
Canada Expansion --
International Expansion -Yes

Company Overviews

About LaRosa's

A Successful Brand with Proven Guest Appeal and Consistent Sales Since 1954. That's what makes us LaRosa's! In the restaurant business, somebody is always trying to franchise "the next big thing." No doubt you've seen dozens of them come and go. Doesn't it make more sense to find a stable and rewarding business concept with a strong track record? Take a closer look at franchising with LaRosa's. For nearly 60 years, we've offered delicious family-recipe food and great service to Guests in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. Now we're looking to expand outside our Midwestern home with the help of smart Franchise Owners like you. One of our principal strengths is that we've been in business nearly 60 years, providing great food and service to our Guests. Our first franchised pizzeria opened in 1967. Not many franchises out there can say that. Five more reasons why franchisees join our family...
 *Dependable Growth
*Product Quality
*Dedicated Fans
*Superior Training
 Our over 75 outlets serve real Italian flavor from real family recipes. Contact us to get started.

Seeking new franchise units in Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia    

About Piazza Puglia

The brand "Cioce" born and establishes itself in Puglia, starting from Andria, thanks to a thirty-year experience in Food and Beverage, copious results in the opening (and in the restructuring and / or conversion) of public local trend and strong appeal for demanding and selected guests. The testing of the most diversified formulas in the specific area and the constant search for quality in services and products must be lead to a concentration of know -how which is the current competitive plus. In the world of franchising the Group Cioce srl suggests a format of great charm called "Piazza Puglia", presenting itself as a leading developer in franchise location structured and modular for the typical food and quality, with a strong and unique geographical connotation " Made in Puglia ". A qualified and well-organized team of professionals follows frontline supplier selection, product selection, recipe creation, the scenery of the location, the structuring of sales outlets, staff training and the organization of work, ensuring compliance with the highest standards of market.

The previous route supports the ambitious project of "Piazza Puglia", a prototype of a small Apulia square, party decorated with lots of lights, where there are three forms bearing (the restaurant Trattoria / stove / grill restaurant / wood stove / fry; the typical Gastronomy Regional with its many delights for the palate, intended for tasting and for sale to the detail, the Caffe '/ bakery / ice cream / fruit store.


*Apulia (Region's leading wine tourism) as a trademark driving *Know-how and long experience in the Campaigns of Communication and Promotion default *Logistical support capillary *Pre and post opening support *Cutting-edge information system *Continuing education *Organizational procedures standardized *Flexibility and dynamism in the reception of changing tastes of customers *Economies of scale in real estate costs, equipment and supplies