"image In Brain"

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

There is no limit to the potentialities of the human brain. Not only does the function of the human brain need cultivating from childhood, but also need to be constantly used throughout. UCMAS is a tool for brain development. The harmonious action between the organs of human body and limbs, especially the triggering of "image in brain" is the promoter of tapping the function of the brain in mental arithmetic by Zhusuan. A lot of physiological organs of human body are divided into left and right parts. Some of them appear symmetric on the surface, but the functions are not symmetric at all. For instance the right and left hands are different in strength and skill. Research on brain science reveals that the left hemisphere provides analytical information processing and is at good dealing with information concerning language and sound; the right hemisphere provides integral information processing and is good at dealing with information concerning the shape and space. The different cognitive forms of the two hemispheres are mutually complementary and co-operative and develop harmoniously, making up the whole function of human brain. Left-brain governs the right limbs and the right one, the left. Conversely the action of the limbs also has an influence on the development of the brain. Human beings by heredity and education are accustomed to using the right hand in the early years. The right hand is used more than left hand throughout life, so the right brain function is not fully developed. In order to explore and develop the potentialities of the human brain fully, many physiologists and brain scientist have been studying ways to develop the function of the right brain further. UCMAS is the result of such research. It is the child education on mental arithmetic by image of Zhusan that solves the problem. Numerous examples prove that people who learn abacus Mental Arithmetic since childhood are more outstanding in intelligence, academics and overall behavior. In recent years with the spread of Abacus mental Arithmetic training across the world, more and more children join the classes and have improved their overall performance.

The cognitive theory Two famous scholars expound cognitive theory. One is J. Piaget a Swiss development physiologist and the other is J.S.Burner, American educational Psychologist. Piaget traces the stages of intellectual development as follows: Sensor motor stage- Infants from newborn to two years old get their senses from the movement of their bodies.Pre operational stage-children from age two to seven begin to develop their thinking by using language, letters and pictures which are abstract symbols. They can learn simple letters, numbers and pictures at this stage. Formal operations Stage- Children above eleven are mature in their thinking. They can analyze by abstract formal logic. They can be taught abstract concepts as algebra and geometry.

As the consciousness of numbers is gradually developed in children from one and half to two year old, it should be strengthened. At this stage concrete item works as "teaching aids". UCMAS use the abacus. Through constant exploration and practice the children get the concept of numbers. It is only a beginning with numbers. Soon, all the information is absorbed and processed faster in the mind. The learning of abacus helps the understanding of natural science because it has concrete string balls to help thinking. "The elevation of abacus" means the ability to calculate by concrete balls, the invisible imagery or formal calculator, which then reaches the level of mental arithmetic. The learning of abacus helps the understanding of natural science because it has concrete string balls to help thinking. "The Elevation of abacus" means the ability to calculate by concrete balls, the invisible imagery or formal calculator, which then reaches the level of mental arithmetic. The learning of abacus has the same process of cognitive theory, which emphasizes the mental development from the concrete to the conceptual, formal and symbolic.

The research on modern physiology and science of brain indicates that the brain of a 5 or 6-year-old child has reached the weight of 1200 kg making up 86% of the adult brain. At this time the child has approached the sensitive period of thinking in their receptivity, aural recognition of sound and flexibility of finger muscles. Therefore UC MAS works with children between 4 and 12 years.

At the end of the term, the children will improve academic performance, will increase speed and accuracy and will create a genius by discovering the power within.

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